Friday, May 11, 2012

Statistics on how we use Facebook and other social networks

Brian Solis recently presented in his newsletter an analysis of how social media interacts with TV and movies. The people studied seem to be heavy users, but aren´t those always the ones leading the way for others...?

"The Hollywood Reporter recently published an exclusive poll (of 750 social network users aged 13-49) about social media led by market research firm Penn Schoen Berland. As the report opens, THR notes, “There’s a sea change afoot in how Americans discover and consume entertainment.”

According to the study, 88% of respondents view social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook as a new form of entertainment.

Hours Spent Each Week Doing Online Activities
Social networking and listening to music top the activities for Generation-C and each is greater than the time spent watching full-length movies or television shows on a weekly basis.
- 8 Hours: Visiting social networking sites.
- 8 Hours: Listening to music
- 7 Hours: Watching full-length television shows.
- 4 Hours: Watching full-length movies.
- 4 Hours: Watching video clips (e.g. YouTube)
- 4 Hours: Instant messaging

Here are the infographic from the study. If you want all the text (repeating the infographics...), check Brian Solis blog

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